
Lekker Lach0n Met The Kriegsmann Files

"This collection comes from a heap of discarded photographs, found in a venice alleyway by my friend, Mike Lee. (..) I had no idea how large the collection would be, until i looked into the back seat of Mike's 1963 Citroën, where he'd piled stacks that we then moved armloads of, into to the house."


Dat dat Flickr ook nog wel eens wat leuke zaken aan 't licht brengt is nu een bewezen feit; ene Sharpeworld heeft een partij retro plaatjes online gezet waar de één wellicht nog corny-er is dan de andere.

Foto's van obscure C-, D- t/m Z-artiesten in de meest extravagante jaren-zeuventig-ma-mag-ik-je-gordijen-even-lenen outfitjes en wat dies meer zij.

Zo retro ende camp dat 't alleen maar leuker wordt naarmate je de serie doorbladert. 

Maar wat 't allemaal net even die touch geeft zijn de soms hilarische comments. Zoals onderstaand ene Brickenrocker's. Lachen met The Kriegsmann Files

Update: radioreportage (spiegeltje) uit 2007 over The Kriegsmann Files bij NPR Radio.

Disclaimer: these images were uploaded for back-up purposes, not for any monetization. If you, as the original owner of these pictures, or the one who discovered and published them in the first place, and do no consent to this upload, please leave a message, and I'll gladly remove them. Again; this is not meant for any financial gain, just to preserve them in case the original files on flickr will be removed. Thank you.

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